Our Projects
Traffic Management Services for PLFP
A $1.25 billion program to revitalize 800 acres of flood-prone land in Downtown Toronto.
Traffic Management Design Services for PLFP
Facilitating the removal of the existing Cherry Street Bridge over the Keating Channel.
Waterfront East LRT Union Station - Queens Quay Link
Dynamic passenger flow modelling for a $15M design project
TTC WELRT Transit Travel Time Study
Transit Travel Time and Traffic Impact Assessments for Surface Transit Options.
Town of Innisfil Transportation Master Plan
A TMP Update to address future mobility needs in the Town of Innisfil.
Owen Sound Transit Route Optimization Study
A Five-Year Transit Implementation Plan and Monitoring Program.
Stevenson Road 'Schedule C' Class EA Study
Upgrading a Rural Corridor in the City of Oshawa based on a 'Complete Streets' Design Approach.
Multi-modal Traffic Management Study
TraffMobility is developing comprehensive mobility management solutions to facilitate the constructions at the King-Queen-Queensway-Roncesvalles (KQQR) intersection.
Estimated Travel Time Tool
The Estimated Travel Time Tool (ET3) is one of our first idea lab products. ET3 is a web-based application that estimates changes in travel times resulting from reduced speed limits on selected roads.