Port Lands Flood Protection Project
TraffMobility is providing ongoing traffic management services to the Port Lands Flood Protection Project (PLFP), a $1.25 billion program to revitalize 800 acres of flood-prone land in City of Toronto. The transportation management requirements for the PLFPEI project need to consider several moving parts in the project area including other construction work zones. The area is dynamic and the impact to the transportation network will be significant with the demolition of the Logan Ramps, work on the Lake Shore Boulevard Bridge, removal of a key multi-use bridge across the Don River, consideration for the Ontario Line, other City planned construction works including work on the Gardiner, etc.

Ellis Don
Traffic Management
Traffic Management Plan
Traffic Control Plan
Traffic Operations Review
Transit Operations Review
Synchro Modelling
Multimodal Assessment
Road Safety Engineering
Active Transportation Design
TraffMobility is providing the following services to meet the traffic management requirements for the PLFP over the next three to four years:
​Overall Traffic Management Plan (TMP): The overall TMP for will require updating at least once annually or semi-annually depending on the significance of the change from earlier decisions. For instance, the Ontario Line project would be considered a significant change.
Additional Aimsun Multi-Resolution Modelling for the Study Area
Identification of Mitigation Measures for traffic management with consideration of protecting the safety of all mode users
Site-specific TMPs including site-specific traffic control plans, localized traffic analysis, and provide input such as signal timing plans, coordination along a temporary detour, etc.
Smart work zone design for some site-specific TMP to mitigate impacts to traffic operations.
Design for active transportation at system-level is in progress and designs for site-specific TMP may be required over the duration of the project. This will include modification to routes over the various planned stages that are expected to span multiple years.
Transit operation review to identify if additional buses are required to maintain specific level of operation.