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Transportation Modelling

TraffMobility has extensive experience in developing multi-resolution transportation models to support large to mid-size mobility planning studies.

Our team has developed multi-resolution models to support the decision making of a wide range of studies, including (but not limited to):

  • Transportation Master Plans

  • Transit Master Plans

  • Goods Movement Studies

  • City-wide Infrastructure Planning

  • Highway Rehabilitation Design Studies

  • Testing of Alternatives for Municipal and Regional Roadway Designs

  • Modelling Framework and Best Practices

​We are an expert in the industry's state-of-the-art modelling software packages: EMME, Aimsun Next, Vissim, Visum, TransCAD, Paramics, Synchro, SimTraffic, Arcady, and Sidra.

TraffMobility is RAQS certified by MTO for the Transportation Modelling & Transportation Demand Forecasting discipline under the Transportation Systems category.

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