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Detailed Design and Environmental Assessment Services for Highway 401

Microsimulation modelling to support highway construction projects (MTO-Central Region)



Gannett Fleming, MTO (Central Region)


Highway Construction


Traffic Engineering
Traffic Management
Microsimulation (VISSIM)
Operational Review
Safety Review
Construction Staging Management

TraffMobility is leading the traffic engineering scope for the Highway 401 and Brock Road/Queen Street Interchange improvements. The scope includes collecting and analyzing traffic data to understand existing conditions and forecast future traffic demand, conducting level of service and capacity analyses, and developing advanced microsimulation models using VISSIM to evaluate freeway operations, construction staging, and ramp extension impacts.

Our team is providing input on traffic management strategies, analyze traffic signal operations, and evaluate the operational impacts of the proposed highway improvements on adjacent roadways and intersections. Collision analysis is being conducted to identify hotspot areas and inform the development of mitigation measures. We are also reviewing road geometry, sight distances, and roadside safety measures to ensure compliance with the industry's standards.

TraffMobility's team members are MTO-RAQs certified under the Traffic Engineering and Transportation (Systems) Planning categories.

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