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Stevenson Road 'Schedule C' Class EA

The City of Oshawa has initiated a Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Stevenson Road North, between Conlin Road West to the north (minor stop controlled) and Taunton Road West to the south (signalized). Stevenson Road North is a north-south street with a 2-lane rural cross-section with 1 lane in each direction. Within the City of Oshawa’s Official Plan, Stevenson Road North is designated as a future Type “C” Arterial Road between Taunton Road West and Conlin Road West.



City of Oshawa


Environmental Assessment


Class EAs
Complete Streets
Identification and Evaluation of Alternatives
EMME Modelling
Synchro/SimTraffic Microsimulation
Roundabout Analysis
Multimodal Assessment
Road Safety Engineering
Collision Analysis
Public and Stakeholder Consultation

The purpose of the Class EA is to determine the future needs and justifications based on future land use and anticipate changes in traffic demand as well as identifying the environmental impacts if geometric improvements are deemed appropriate to meet future requirements.

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Process

The Stevenson Road North EA study will follow Phases 1 to 4 of the planning and design process for Schedule “C” projects as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, and 2015).

Existing and Future Traffic Conditions Analyses

The TraffMobility team is leading the Traffic Engineering component for this study, responsible for analyzing the existing and future traffic conditions analyses. A screenline analysis will be carried out using the Durham’s EMME subarea model to output the travel demand and patterns for the base year (2022) and future horizon years (2031, beyond 2031) conditions.

​Additional transportation analysis will also be used to confirm road cross-section, number and location of travel and turning lanes, traffic control requirements, intersection design elements and improvements including turn lane and storage requirements and integration of access management principles.

Roundabout Analysis

The potential for the implementation of a modern roundabout will be considered as an alternative at candidate locations along the study corridor using the Arcady software.

Multi-Modal Assessment

To improve street connectivity and accessibility along Stevenson Rd, our team is applying a multi-modal approach to determine pedestrian and cycling needs. We are conducting a multi-modal level of service (MMLOS) analysis based on industry's guidelines and best practices to evaluate the performance of all travel modes, including walking and cycling.

​Safety Assessment

Our in-house Road Safety Professional is leading the efforts for reviewing the safety performance of the study corridor, for both intersections and the mid-blocks. The safety analysis is being conducted in accordance with industry standards and guidelines such as the Highway Safety Manual (HSM), and the TAC Canadian Guide for In-Service Road Safety Reviews.

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