City of Timmins Transportation Master Plan
City's first TMP that aims to balance all types of transportation modes to achieve long-term transportation goals.

Gannett Fleming, City of Timmins
Transportation Planning
Transportation Planning
Traffic Engineering
Policy Review
Quality Control
Multimodal Analysis
Truck Route Assessment
Peer Review
TraffMobility was retained as a subconsultant for the Timmins Transportation Master Plan (TMP), providing expert advice on mobility planning, policy reviews, road safety analysis, and truck movement assessment. The study aimed to align the City’s bylaws and policy documents with the TMP's objectives, balancing vehicle movement with sustainable transportation modes to achieve long-term transportation goals.
TraffMobility led the downtown mobility assessment, which included a comprehensive review of pedestrian and cyclist activities, parking, transit operations, and curbside management for delivery trucks and emergency vehicles. This analysis focused on optimizing traffic flow to enhance both pedestrian access and commercial activities. We conducted a high-level truck movement assessment, complemented by a detailed truck route analysis, to support broader city planning initiatives.
Our team also contributed to the review of Bylaws, Engineering Standards, Zoning, and Official Plans, ensuring a holistic approach to transportation planning. By spearheading the downtown and truck route analyses, we delivered a balanced, forward-thinking strategy that supports Timmins' growth and sustainability. Through innovative solutions and a collaborative approach, we ensured that the transportation plan addresses current needs while preparing for future challenges.