Estimated Travel Time Tool
The Estimated Travel Time Tool (ET3) is one of our first idea lab products. ET3 is a web-based application that estimates changes in travel times resulting from reduced speed limits on selected roads.
City of Waterloo
Web Tool Development
Web Tool Development
Advanced Analytics
The CiET3 Suite also offers expansion modules that add performance indicators for measuring GHG emission and safety index, as well as a user feedback function.
Prior to the deployment of ET3, we set up a consultation with the client to determine the appropriate functions required as well as add-on services that help cities customize speed-limit policies and policy analytics.
Key ET3 features include:
Scenario Comparison
Speed limit selection
Multiple policy analysis
Transportation Health and Safety Indices
City of Waterloo is our current client who is deploying the ET3 app. Other municipalities have been showing interest in a similar product to support their Vision Zero program. Contact us for details today.